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If you are studying, teaching, working, investing, or doing business in Mexico, there's a very good chance you'll be asked to provide your Canadian documentation to the Mexican authorities, or to your personal contacts there. Before your Canadian documents will be accepted as valid in Mexico,... [read more]


Congratulations on deciding to have a destination wedding! If you're having a civil (legal) wedding in Mexico, Dominican Repubic, Cuba, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Tahiti, or Fiji... you don't want legal problems to set you back. You want to "get hitched, without a hitch!" This article... [read more]


Canadian documents being sent to Mexico must first be 'authenticated' and 'legalized' for use in Mexico. If you are going to Mexcio for a destination wedding, to attend college, or to buy property, you may have heard of the term 'Apostille'. In Canada, this process is called 'authentication and... [read more]


Minors Travelling to Mexico

The Mexican government has enacted new laws regarding minors travelling to Mexico by themselves or without their parents or guardian. There have been multiple news releases on this issue. Because the laws are so new, there is currently some uncertainty about... [read more]


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