Brosgall Legal

Vancouver Apostille and Notary Services

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Recent Articles

Statutory Declaration for BC Change of Name Applications

Under the provisions of the British Columbia Name Act, applicants who want to change their name must submit proper documentation. One of the requirements is a Statutory... [read more]


Statutory Declaration & Certified Copies for New Immigration Consultants

Congratulations on your new career as an immigration consultant. As a new immigration consultant, you'll need to swear the 'Statutory Declaration - Agreement to... [read more]


Vancouver Document Apostille for Ukraine

If you are doing business in the Ukraine, you'll probably need to send your Canadian documentation to the Ukrainian authorities, or to your lawyer in the Ukraine. To make Canadian documents valid for... [read more]


Individuals applying for registration with the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC) need to complete various forms. The Internship in Architecture Program (AIP) is the domestic stream to registration as an Architect in Canada, as established by the Canadian Architectural Licensing... [read more]

